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Take On Money



Take On Money will provide a certificate course that will make an in-depth level of financial knowledge and skills available to students starting from the fifth grade.

This program is based on the national financial literacy standards developed by Jump$tart, a nonprofit coalition of corporate, academic, nonprofit and government organizations dedicated to improving financial preparedness in adulthood.

Take On Money will provide students who successfully complete the course with confirmation of their adult level of knowledge and skills with a certificate. This is of particular benefit to the young and the unbanked as it can serve as an alternative and a complement to a FICO score. It provides proof to employers, landlords, and lenders that the holder is a better credit risk for having achieved an objectively measured level of financial literacy. 


Study after study shows that across all demographic groups the level of financial knowledge in this country is appallingly low.

RIGOROUS BROAD-BASED PROGRAM: Our goal is to become the brand-name provider of a financial literacy program that has quantifiable, objective results.

ACCESSIBLE TO ANYONE: An online program, Take On Money will be available to anyone who has access to the Internet, whether at school, in a public library, or at home.

CONTENT FOR STUDENTS & ADULTS: Based on Jump$tart’s six basic elements of personal finance.

ADAPTABLE CURRICULUM: Each student will proceed through our six-part course and are required to pass each individual section before proceeding. In the event a student does not pass, the curriculum will adapt the subject that needs more attention and comprehension.

Successful completion of the course will result in the Take On Money Certificate of Financial Capability and $avings from $mart Decisions

“Becoming financially capable will enable you to take responsibility for your economic well-being and direct your time and effort in ways that are most productive for you and your family. YOU will reap the rewards of your smart decisions:  pay less in late fees, charged a lower rate of interest, save for paying in advance. We plan to partner with an array of vendors (ranging from banks, employers, landlords, and stores) to provide you with $avings from $mart Decisions ™.   They will recognize that while you may not have the highest credit score – if you even have one – but you have made the effort to obtain the necessary knowledge and skills that results in positive financial behaviors that make you a better credit risk.”


As we build and market the school program, we hope to start a division to sell a financial wellness employee benefit. This product will allow employers to provide their workers an opportunity to achieve an adult level of financial capability. This is an asset that will make them (and their families) more likely to lead financially secure lives which allows employees to be more productive at work. The market for this product is large, and our goal is to create profits to support our initiatives for teens.